
Cyrk Text Converter for Macintosh

Cyrk Text Converter is an application for Apple Macintosh computers. Cyrk Text Converter converts text from and to the following formats:

        * Styled Macintosh text
        * Unstyled Macintosh text
        * Windows text
        * Rtf
        * Html



Cyrk Text Converter is particularly well suited for ordinary text such as essays, letters, articles, reports etc.

Cyrk Text Converter lets you specify exactly how text is converted. Transform "straight" quotes to curly ones, hyphens to dashes and much more. You can also specify exactly how different types of text (bold, italic, headings, lists etc.) are converted.

Cyrk Text Converter is more “Macintosh-like” that most shareware applications. All menus and dialogues have balloon help, and you can always undo the lastest changes after editing.

Cyrk Text Converter is shareware. You can dowload a fully functional version from this site, but if you use it for more than evaluation, you must purchase the application.



Danish version (Tekstkonvertering)